Summer is fading into Fall. School has started again for everyone except for Sara, since Walla Walla doesn't start Fall Quarter for three more weeks yet. Andrew came home from his summer job at Big Lake Youth Camp for one day and was off to Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska, the very next day. Sara came home from her summer at the Marine Biology Station at Rosario Beach and is doing some volunteer tutoring at the SDA school while waiting for WWU to start (check out her blog for some good pictures of her "academic activities"). Aaron, Zsa, and Kinnon were with us for nearly a week before going back to Loma Linda for Aaron to start his second year of med school. My sister Betsy, and her husband Rick and son, Jon, with his wife, Missy, and son, Korbin, came last weekend for a friend's wedding. It's been nice having family here.
The weather has been getting a little cooler, and the sun setting a bit earlier. There are many gorgeous sunsets. It's a nice time of year before the weather goes a bit less desireable.

Sammy, our Swiss exchange student, honing his skills for the basketball season.

What we see on our evening beach walks

Miller - Cress wedding on the beach

Rick and Betsy Claridge (and Sara distracted by Rommel) at the beach wedding.

Jon and Missy Claridge with their little energetic one, Korbin

Kinnon with great-grandma Force

Zsa and Aaron with Kinnon. Nice family!

Falling asleep on grandpa

Kinnon and Rommel get better acquainted

Seth helping Kinnon get the hang of that walking business

Sabbath afternoon relaxation

Life's pretty good as long as you have something in the tummy.

Kinnon dancing with Auntie Sara

We love having this little guy around!

Seth, Andrew and Sara, during the brief period of time when they were all home together.

Lookout point at Deception Pass, the weekend we went to visit Sara at the Marine Biology station at Rosario Beach where she enjoyed her best school ever.

Deception Pass, on the north Washington coast.