Dear Family and Friends,
It's been another year of transition for the Saunders family. Our biggest news this year is a change of location from Tillamook, Oregon, to Lebanon, Oregon -- just a little over one hundred miles. As much as we liked living in Tillamook, and the church family there, my practice didn't prove to be either very professionally satisfying (seemed like I was doing mostly colonoscopies) or very financially bouyant. So after a bit of looking around the Northwest (we wanted to stay close to parents) we settled on Lebanon, Oregon, and have now been in our new house for about three weeks. So far the practice is proving to be more what I was looking for, and I'm finding that there are nice people to work with here, as well.
Our kids are still a bit scattered. Aaron and Zsa are still in Portland where they both should finish their undergraduate degrees this year. Zsa is finishing nursing school, and Aaron will have a degree in economics, but has applied for medical school. Lately, though, they have been trying to decide if they want to take a year out and go for a volunteer year in Africa before continuing professional pursuits. They celebrated two years of marriage in August.
Sara came home from going to school at Mission College, Thailand in June, worked the summer at Big Lake Youth Camp, and then went to Kenya where she is serving as a student missionary teaching in the elementary school part of Maxwell Academy. She is trying to find out if that is really her calling, or if she should change her major. We think that she will be back at Walla Walla for the next school year, but who knows?
Andrew decided to attend Maxwell Academy, in Kenya, and flew there with Sara in August. He seems to be enjoying being back on the Great Continent, and is planning to climb Mt. Kenya in February with a group from Maxwell. He and Sara both flew home for the Christmas break. It's been nice having the whole family together again for a little while.
Seth has been home-schooling again this year, so we're not quite empty nesters, yet. I think he has just passed me in height, so I have no reason to feel tall.
Kath was enjoying her part time work in Medical Nutrition Therapy. When patients would actually take her advice and make some lifestyle changes (and see their health improve and weight go down), that was pretty rewarding. She hasn't pursued work just yet, since we moved, but our hospital CEO has told me that she is very "focused" on having a discussion with her about the potential for that. It's good to be sought after, rather than seeking, when it comes to employment.
Well, that's sort of our year in a nutshell (without a lot of the details). We like our new house and hope to share our hospitality with any of you who happen to be in the area and would like to drop in. We have room for guests, and I think the food is pretty good, too. We're right on the edge of beautiful woods where you can walk, run, bike, or whatever.
Hope you all are feeling as blessed as we are. Wishing you Peace.
Greg & Kathy, Aaron & Zsa, Sara, Andrew, and Seth
New address: 29764 Bartels Creek Drive
Lebanon OR 97355
Phone: 541-258-0748